The snatch is easily my favourite movement.
It takes speed, power, strength, mobility, balance and a bit of good ol’ fashioned courage.
Simply put, it’s fucking rad.
For the last few weeks, Monday has typically been snatch day, however I fear I may have gone a little overboard yesterday as my left shoulder is aching like crazy!
Forced rest day today.
Lesson learned.
29/4/13 AM
Tempo Back Squats (3second hold and then bounce out of the bottom)
2 Position snatch (1x full snatch + 1x low hang)
1x100kg (missed the low hang snatch)
9 – 7 – 5
Muscle ups
Squat snatch 60kg
Fucked up my first set of snatches completely (did 3 then had 2 misses and then did all singles) but kept all other sets unbroken
Time was 4:44 but I think I can pretty comfortably get that to below 4 next time.
29/4/13 PM
10min heavy snatch doubles and singles
Hit 100kg x2 reps
Hit 105 x1 rep
2 misses at 115kg
2×2 Snatch pulls @110kg
For time
30 shoulder to overheads @60kg
1 rope climb
30 over the box jumps 30″
1 rope climb
30 C2B pull ups
1 rope climb
30 6″deficit handstand push ups
1 rope climb
Time: 9:46
The HSPU after so many snatches and 30 S2OH were fucked. I had to do the last two reps as singles and I love handstands.
Brutal day, but heaps of fun!